Amended Education Act: A Betrayal to the Capable Candidates

Manoj Sapkota
By -
Capable educational manpower, unemployed despite having certificates of higher degree, is aspiring to enter the teaching profession these days. But, the parliament just approved the ninth amendment draft of the Education Act in spite of suggestions and large pressure against the amendment. It has confirmed that 75% of the teachers' recruitment will be fulfilled from internal competition among the temporary teachers.  It has made the future of would be teachers uncertain and taken a crack to further worsen the quality of education. It is a betrayal to the capable candidates who are prepared for examinations.
                Our political parties never come to the consensus if something is purely in favor of public. But, the extremist Communist and the democratic Socialist wholeheartedly came to the union to approve the amendment draft only because it pays them back.
                Reservation system has pros and cons on its own. Let all those cons be forgotten this time. The concept of this system is that it is to be reviewed after a certain span of time. It is believed that after practicing this system for some years, it has to have brought some positive changes. It is purely for the marginal groups who have not been able to be at the mainstream of development.
                Exceptionally, in Nepal, this system has become the cash-cow for some limited persons who are tagged as marginal ones but are at the centre for years. It has been more than a decade since we have practiced the reservation system. Actually, no observation has been made on how fruitful it has become so far. Regrettably, the voices are raised in favor of boosting it and granting more reserved percentages to the limited ones.
                New door to the management of temporary teachers has just been opened on the ground of reservation system. But, the reserved percentage for them in the vacancies has been furthered and fixed 75% which was 51% as per the previous amendment. Since those temporary teachers are the groupies, who have been carrying the bags of main political parties of Nepal, the parties agreed and came to the agreement to give them warm shelter pushing the future of million capable candidates towards constant jeopardy.
                The voice was raised countrywide even against the eighth amendment which had confirmed 51% for the internal competition. But, taking no notice of that, it was further increased. Two educationalists Prof. Dr. Man Prasad Wagle and Kedar Bhakta Mathema have directly stated their disagreement towards this Ninth Amendment of Education Act but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
                Not all, but many of the temporary teachers who have been willing to be secured were, no doubt, appointed on the basis of their political ideologies. They carried the bags of those parties during their span of teaching. They couldn't succeed in the examinations held for times. The educational status of government schools is not satisfactory. Who are responsible for this? Are the teachers blameless for this bitter reality?
                The approval of Education Act, Ninth Amendment has raised several questions. Firstly, it has darkened the future of thousands capable graduates who are preparing for the examinations of Teacher Service Commission and aspiring to enter the teaching field. Secondly, it is further deteriorating the educational standard of government schools. The problem of unemployment is getting complicated. Frustration is becoming the major problem among the youths.  And after all, overall development of the country is getting padlocked. Only fortunate are our political parties which rescued their followers, revived their vote-banks and ensured the instability to play with the sentiments of people. It has again been proved that our political leaders and parties have no orientation towards people-friendly determination, well-managed system, farsighted vision and a prosperous country.
                There is the age bar for getting appointed in the government jobs on the principle that the expertise and enthusiasm gradually fades away along with growing age. It directly hampers in instructional process. Obviously, aged teachers have less efficiency in comparison to youths. Today's schools need the proficient, energetic and fresh teachers.
                There is a wide gap created between the educational quality of private and public schools. It is the challenge for the public schools to compete with the private. If the current educational policies are continued, nothing can be expected. Educationist Dr. Wagle states that 82% of the total admitted children are in the public schools. Such children are basically from dalit and economically back warded and marginal classes who are are far from the access of private schools because of several reasons. Then, is it not the responsibility of the government to provide qualitative education to its subjects? Who is accountable for the worsened educational system of the country?
                It is the time to bring about positive changes in the policies and system and materialize the dream of prosperous and developed country in reality. The nation should not be compelled to carry the unnecessary financial burden of pension to the current temporary teachers who are being labeled as permanent through an unfair and risky procedure.
                Yes, temporary teachers should be respected. They have contributed. Fir this, they can be provided the supplement to the extent that the country wouldn't suffer a lot. Setting no age boundary to them can be compromised. Provision of maximum 25 percentage of reserved quota for the internal competition for a time can be negotiated. They have already been given a chance to choose either golden handshake or competing in internal examination. These ways are agreeable to some extent. But, this amended Act is no more than problematic and destructive.
                Present Education Act is completely unfavorable to the educational field and to the overall progress of the country. The parliament members should rise above their ideologies and political motives and think seriously. They should not only think about pleasing their followers. They are the representatives to work for the sake of Nepal and its subjects, so they cannot misuse their privileges. It is unfair. The Act has to be reviewed and suitable measure should be carried out for the permanent management of temporary teacher.
                                                                                                     Manoj Sapkota
                                                                                                     Kirtipur, Kathmandu
                                                                                                     22September 2017


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